Seven ways to reduce infections among people who inject drugs: Joint guidance reportArchived

Press release

’Prevention of infections among people who inject drugs is achievable and effective – if it is properly executed’, stresses ECDC Director Marc Sprenger. In recent years, many European countries have achieved substantial progress in preventing drug-related infections. Drug injecting, however, remains a major cause of infectious diseases across Europe. The interventions proposed in the guidance report range from the supply of injection equipment, testing and vaccination to the treatment of infections and drug dependence. These are best applied in combination and ideally in the same venue for maximum effect.

In their guidance report Prevention and control of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs, the agencies explore good and evidence-based public health practices that can support effective policies to reduce infections. Common blood-borne viruses in this group include HIV, hepatitis B and C as well as tuberculosis. Launching the report during a meeting of infectious disease experts in Lisbon today, the two agencies aim to support countries across Europe in their efforts to reduce infection risks.