Epidemiological update: Dengue fever outbreak, Madeira, Portugal, 52 cases confirmed and four cases in three other European countriesArchived

Epidemiological update

On 24 October 2012 the Portuguese Ministry of Public Health (Direcção-Geral da Saúde) confirmed 52 cases of dengue fever and 404 probable cases, compared to 37 confirmed and 262 probable cases in their last update of 17 October.

On 24 October 2012 the Portuguese Ministry of Public Health (Direcção-Geral da Saúde) confirmed 52 cases of dengue fever and 404 probable cases, compared to 37 confirmed and 262 probable cases in their previous update of 17 October. Forty people required hospitalisation and five are still admitted to hospital. No deaths have been reported. The first cases were reported to the Portuguese public health authorities on 3 October 2012.

The United Kingdom, France and Sweden have reported four cases of dengue among travellers returning from Madeira and likely to have been infected during their stay on the island. Additional cases may be expected in the coming weeks.

The recent four cases of dengue among returning travellers from the island highlight the need for travellers to Madeira to protect themselves from mosquito bites by taking the necessary precautions. The Autonomous Region of Madeira has also published recommendations on their website for individual protection measures. In light of cases among returning travellers, ECDC renews its advice to those who visited Madeira and experiencing febrile symptoms with severe headache, retro-orbital pain, myalgia, arthralgia and maculo-papular rash within 14 days of their trip to seek medical advice.

ECDC is supporting the public health authorities of Madeira. A team of ECDC experts has been deployed since 22 October to assess the epidemiological and entomological situation and provide advice for prevention and control activities.

The conclusions of the rapid risk assessment published by ECDC on 10 October 2012 remain valid.