Cross-agency One Health task force framework for action
Following the joint statement from the Executive Directors of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the European Environment Agency (EEA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on how to deliver ‘Cross-agency knowledge for One Health Action’, the Cross-agency One Health task force has prepared this framework for action. The document outlines the common vision and objectives of the task force and lists a set of concrete actions to achieve them.
Executive Summary
The vision of the task force is to enable EU agencies to successfully contribute to the implementation of the One Health approach in Europe, thereby making the EU and its Member States better able to prevent and respond to health threats. In order to achieve this vision, the task force aims to work towards a more permanent and established form of transdisciplinary cooperation between the EU agencies, upholding the four principles of coordination, collaboration, communication and capacity building. The task force has identified the following five strategic objectives to guide its work:
- Facilitate strategic coordination in the implementation of the One Health approach
- Promote research coordination and One Health-driven agenda setting
- Enhance capacity building on One Health
- Strengthen One Health communication and stakeholders' engagement
- Support the development of partnerships through joint One Health activities
Through these strategic objectives, the task force will help to strengthen the scientific evidence base for One Health, ensure that scientific advice and risk assessment are increasingly integrated, support the establishment of intersectoral coordination mechanisms, and build One Health capacities and skills. The actions will be implemented over a period of three years (2024-2026). It is considered a living document and will be subject to adjustments to reflect progress and take on new challenges and initiatives.