From Dublin to Rome: ten years of responding to HIV in Europe and Central Asia

Surveillance and monitoring
Publication series: Monitoring Implementation of the Dublin Declaration

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. From Dublin to Rome: ten years of responding to HIV in Europe and Central Asia: Stockholm, ECDC; 2014

​In 2004, European and Central Asian countries held the high-level conference ‘Breaking the Barriers – Partnership to fight HIV/AIDS in Europe and Central Asia’ and agreed on the Dublin Declaration to galvanise political action in order to tackle the epidemic in the region. This brief summarises what has been achieved since then, areas where there has been less progress and priorities for future action.

The report draws on data reported by countries for Dublin Declaration monitoring, UNAIDS global reporting in 2010, 2012 and 2014 and surveillance data reported to ECDC and WHO’s Regional Office for Europe.