ECDC international relations policy (2014–2020)

ECDC corporate
Time period covered: 2014 - 2020

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. ECDC international relations policy (2014–2020). Stockholm: ECDC; 2014.

​Major public health threats related to communicable diseases are global, impacting upon several countries and all sectors of the economy. Effectively addressing these threats calls for coordinated international response. The aim of this document is to provide a coherent framework for action to support ECDC in achieving this objective in accordance with this mandate. Set in the context of the ECDC Strategic Multi-Annual Programme  (SMAP) 2014–2020, this document builds upon the 2010 ECDC policy for collaboration with third countries  and international cooperation activities conducted by ECDC during the 2007–2013 multi-annual work programme.
