Single Programming Document 2017

ECDC corporate

ECDC Work Programme, renamed ‘Single Programming Document’ includes two parts: the first part presents our objectives and priorities for the next three years while the second part provides more detail on the specific objectives and expected outputs for 2017. This new structure aligned content-wise with ECDC Strategic Multi-annual Programme 2014-2020, and with the new guidelines from the European Commission now used by all EU agencies, aims at providing a more predictable horizon, with rolling multiannual objectives to be adjusted every year, as well as a clearer presentation that should help our stakeholders as well as Budgetary Authority to more easily review and understand the content of our work.

Executive Summary

Recent examples, such as the re-emergence of Ebola in Africa or the Zika virus show that despite increased scientific knowledge, predicting and preventing pandemics remains a challenge, as pathogens continue to mutate, adapt and spread in a context of increased globalisation of goods and persons. As a result, in the coming years, communicable diseases will remain high on the European health agenda, as they continue to constitute a source of concern for the health of European citizens, and are among the priorities of the EU Health Commissioner and Member States.

For the first time in 2017, ECDC Work Programme, renamed ‘Single Programming Document’ includes two parts: the first part presents our objectives and priorities for the next three years while the second part provides more detail on the specific objectives and expected outputs for 2017. This new structure aligned content-wise with ECDC Strategic Multi-annual Programme 2014-2020, and with the new guidelines from the European Commission now used by all EU agencies, aims at providing a more predictable horizon, with rolling multiannual objectives to be adjusted every year, as well as a clearer presentation that should help our stakeholders as well as Budgetary Authority to more easily review and understand the content of our work.

ECDC will continue to support Member States and the European Commission in preventing and fighting the spread of communicable diseases in Europe, in particular by monitoring known, new threats and threats of unknown origin, on the bases of its Founding Regulation and Decision 1082/EC/2013 on cross border health threats. Over the next three years, the Centre will continue to produce evidence-based, scientifically sound and independent assessments, guidance and advice, within the scope of its mission with focussing on making them more useful for decision makers.

ECDC will in particular:

  • Further strengthen the scientific excellence and maintain its independence
  • Optimise the usefulness of its outputs for its external stakeholders
  • Support the European Commission and Member States in strengthening EU-wide preparedness and capacity building
  • Focus on further development of relationships with relevant stakeholders
  • Further enhance its efficiency
  • Ensure it remains an attractive place to work.

Moreover, in 2017 antimicrobial resistance and vaccine preventable diseases will receive even stronger emphasis with additional resources dedicated to these two areas. ECDC will continue to optimise its use of resources and processes. The ongoing Surveillance System Reengineering project will aim at an improvement in the speed, flexibility and responsiveness of ECDC for a better support to Member States and the European Commission. In this context, the Single Programming Document constitutes an essential element to guide ECDC work and resource allocation during the year.

