Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy: public consultation opens

Public health guidance

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. ECDC Expert opinion on rotavirus 73 vaccination in infancy. Stockholm: ECDC; 2016

ECDC is launching for public consultation an expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy. The final expert opinion aims to provide EU/EEA Member States with relevant scientific information and expert opinion to support the decision-making process on the possible introduction and monitoring of routine vaccination of infants against rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis. The expert opinion highlights issues to be considered before and after introduction of rotavirus vaccines, and identifies knowledge gaps and areas in need of further research.

Executive Summary

Each year, an estimated 75,000-150,000 children aged under five are hospitalised in the EU/EEA due to rotavirus disease, according to burden of disease studies conducted in eighteen EU/EEA Member States. Mortality rates are low due to easy access to adequate medical treatment. Children seeking medical attention with rotavirus disease in emergency departments/out-patient settings or those hospitalised have the potential to be sources of nosocomial infection in other children attending medical services.

In 2006, two live attenuated rotavirus vaccines for oral use in infants were authorized for prevention of rotavirus disease in the EU. Vaccine effectiveness documented in observational studies when the vaccines have been introduced into routine paediatric vaccination programmes ranges between 85-90%. Inclusion of rotavirus vaccines in the routine childhood immunisation programme has been initiated or will soon be initiated in 12 EU/EEA countries.

ECDC is launching for public consultation an expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy.

The final expert opinion aims to provide EU/EEA Member States with relevant scientific information and expert opinion to support the decision-making process on the possible introduction and monitoring of routine vaccination of infants against rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis.

The expert opinion highlights issues to be considered before and after introduction of rotavirus vaccines, and identifies knowledge gaps and areas in need of further research.

In order to receive comments from the scientific community and other stakeholders, the expert opinion is open for public consultation. The deadline for submission of comments is 28 November, 2016. 

How to submit comments

Comments should be submitted using a specific template (please see below) and sent to

Note that the comments received must clearly state the identity of the contributor (i.e. country, first name and surname, and affiliation in the case of contributions from individuals; or name of organisation in the case of contributions on behalf of an organisation). Contributors are kindly asked to mention the respective line and page numbers of the document to which their comment(s) refer.

Please read the guidelines for submission of contributions and kindly note that only contributions following ECDC guidelines will be considered.

For more information on the processing of your personal data in the context of this consultation, read the specific privacy statement.

Deadline: 28 November, 2016


Read more on the ECDC website

Expert opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy

ECDC has published an Expert Opinion on rotavirus vaccination in infancy. The paper provides EU/EEA Member States with relevant scientific information on burden of rotavirus disease, vaccine effectiveness and safety, and cost-effectiveness studies to support the decision-making process on the possible introduction of routine vaccination of children against rotavirus gastroenteritis.