Measles and rubella monitoring, January 2013

Surveillance report
Publication series: Bi-annual measles and rubella monitoring report

Measles and rubella are targeted for elimination in Europe by 2015. ECDC closely monitors progress towards interruption of endemic transmission of both diseases through enhanced surveillance and epidemic intelligence. Measles and rubella vaccinations are routinely delivered as trivalent measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine in Europe, and the first of the two recommended doses is normally given during the second year of life.

Executive Summary

The latest ECDC report on measles and rubella shows that 8 326 cases of measles were reported by 29 EU and EEA countries from January to November 2012. France, Italy, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom accounted for 87% of all reported cases and there were measles-related deaths during this timeframe. However, seven cases were complicated by acute measles encephalitis.

Although the number of reported cases was substantially lower in 2012 compared with the same period in 2011, measles transmission has continued at European level.

28 536 cases of rubella were reported during the period December 2011 to November 2012 by the 26 EU and EEA reporting countries. Poland and Romania accounted for 99% of all reported rubella cases in the 12-month period. Reported cases in 2012 are higher than for the same period in 2011 and the highest notification rate was among adolescents between 15 and 19 year of age

Measles and rubella are targeted for elimination in Europe by 2015. ECDC closely monitors progress towards interruption of endemic transmission of both diseases through enhanced surveillance and epidemic intelligence. Measles and rubella vaccinations are routinely delivered in the form of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine in Europe, and the first of the two recommended doses is normally given during the second year of life.
