Monitoring implementation of the European Commission Communication and Action Plan for combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries, 2009–2013

Surveillance and monitoring

This interim report summarises the progress made on implementing the policy priorities contained in a European Commission Communication entitled Combating HIV/AIDs in the European Union and neighbouring countries, 2009–2013. It identifies the areas in which further progress is required and sets out specific recommendations.
The report is based on information and feedback from a number of interested parties and reflects the contributions of a wide range of individuals and organisations.

Executive Summary

This interim report on the implementation of the European Commission (EC) Communication and Action Plan to address HIV in the European Union (EU) and neighbouring countries concludes that the Communication and Action Plan have had an important impact across Europe, for example by supporting initiatives to expand targeted HIV prevention services for populations most affected by HIV, including men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, migrant populations and sex workers.

The aim of the Communication on Combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and Neighbouring Countries, 2009 -2013 and the Action Plan is to:

  • contribute to a decrease of new HIV infections in the EU/EEA and neighbouring countries by 2013,
  • improve access to prevention, treatment, care and support
  • improve quality of life for people living with or affected by HIV.

Given the continued transmission of HIV in Europe, prevention remains a key priority across EU/EEA countries, despite the availability of effective treatment.

ECDC reviewed data collected through a monitoring and evaluation framework that was designed upon the request of the European Commission through consultation with the Commission, the EU Think Tank on HIV/AIDS and the EU Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS. The report uses the framework to analyse support to the Commission Communication and Action Plan in terms of financial inputs (e.g. funding of health programmes or supporting key international organisation like UNAIDS) and non-financial inputs like the political engagement of the EU Presidencies and actions taken in response to them. The report also analyses the effects of these inputs and actions across the region.

In addition to identifying the benefits of the Communication and Action Plan, the report also shows areas asking for intensified focus, including the need to further improve political leadership on HIV across the EU and neighbouring countries or possible funding of Non-Governmental Organisations. The report also provides a number of practical recommendations for the European Commission and its partners to improve the implementation, monitoring and future evaluation of the Communication and Action Plan.

The final report on the implementation of the EC Action Plan will be published in 2013 and will include results on national actions and impacts as part of monitoring the Dublin Declaration. This will allow further analysis of the extent to which Commission support is aligned with country needs, priorities and efforts to address HIV.
