Monitoring implementation of the European Commission Communication and Action Plan for combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries

Surveillance and monitoring

​In February 2010, the European Commission asked ECDC to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for a 2009 Communication entitled ‘Combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries, 2009–2013’.
The main objectives of this Communication were to reduce new HIV infections across all European countries by 2013; improve access to prevention, treatment, care and support; and improve the quality of life of people living with, affected by, or most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries.
This report provides a comprehensive overview of all related programmes and looks at projects and other actions which aimed to implement the EU action plan. It is complemented by financial data and a section on conclusions and recommendations.

Executive Summary

​ECDC’s final report on the implementation of the European Commission Communication and Action Plan to address HIV in the European Union and neighbouring countries concludes that these measures have had an important impact on HIV prevention. But additional efforts are required to further reduce HIV transmission in Europe.

The policy priorities of the European Commission (EC) regarding HIV in Europe are contained in the Communication Combating HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries, 2009–2013. The main objectives are:

  • to reduce new HIV infections across all European countries by 2013;
  • to improve access to prevention, treatment, care and support; and
  • to improve the quality of life of people living with, affected by, or most vulnerable to HIV/AIDS in the European Union and neighbouring countries.

Upon request of the EC, ECDC developed a framework to monitor implementation of the Communication and Action Plan and through a process of consultation with stakeholders, including the EC, the Think Tank on HIV/AIDS, the EU Civil Society Forum, UNAIDS and the WHO Regional Office for Europe. The focus of the framework is on monitoring the added-value of Europe-wide and Commission actions in response to HIV.

This final report documents the financial and non-financial inputs available for the implementation of the Communication and Action Plan and considers the effects of these inputs and their contribution towards achieving the projected results.

Funding priorities and main conclusions


Since the adoption of the Communication in 2009, the Commission has spent approximately 57 million euro annually to support the implementation of the Communication and Action Plan. Much in line with the priorities of the Communication, funding has targeted HIV prevention, increasing access to prevention, treatment, care and support, especially in priority regions and for priority groups. Research, surveillance and monitoring and evaluation have also been funding priorities.


The report summarises the main conclusions concerning action taken in response to the Communication and Action Plan. It highlights areas of good progress and those where future action needs to be intensified.