Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, July 2019

Surveillance report
Publication series: Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report
Time period covered: The monitoring report is based on measles and rubella data from The European Surveillance System (TESSy) for 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2019.

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report –
July 2019. Stockholm: ECDC; 2019

The monitoring report is based on measles and rubella data from The European Surveillance System (TESSy) for 1 June 2018 to 31 May 2019.

Executive Summary

Twenty-nine countries reported measles data for May 2019, with 1 905 cases reported by 26 countries and three countries reporting no cases. The Czech Republic did not report measles data for May 2019 (Figure 1). Belgium and Poland reported aggregate data, while all other countries reported case-based data. Cases classified as ‘discarded’ are not included in the figures presented in the report.

Overall, case numbers continued to decrease compared with the previous two months. France, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland and Lithuania had the highest case counts, with 543, 281, 223, 178 and 116 cases respectively (Table 1).

Notable decreases were reported in Italy, Poland, Lithuania and Germany.

  • Italy reported 223 cases in May, compared with 306 in April and 227 in March.
  • Poland reported 178 cases in May, compared with 197 in April and 265 in March.
  • Lithuania reported 116 cases in May, compared with 221 in April and 250 in March.
  • Germany reported 51 cases in May, compared with 70 in April and 128 in March.

Notable increases were reported in France and Belgium.

  • France reported 543 cases in May, compared with 339 in April and 313 in March.
  • Belgium reported 99 cases in May, compared with 36 in April and 70 in March.

Publication data