Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, October 2018

Surveillance report
Publication series: Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report
Time period covered: 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018

 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Monthly measles and rubella monitoring report, October 2018. Stockholm: ECDC; 2018

This monitoring report is based on measles and rubella data from The European Surveillance System (TESSy) for the period 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018.

Executive Summary

All 30 countries reported measles data for August 2018, with a total of 439 cases reported by 22 countries and eight countries reporting zero cases.  

Overall, case numbers continued to decrease compared with previous months. A small increase was reported in Ireland, with 19 cases compared to six in July and two cases in June 2018.

Slovakia, Italy, United Kingdom, France and Germany continued to have the highest case counts, although the trend was decreasing:  

  • Slovakia reported 87 cases in August, a decrease from 257 cases in July and 72 cases in June  
  • Italy reported 66 cases in August, compared with 257 cases in July and 273 cases in June  
  • United Kingdom reported 38 cases in August, a decrease from 177 cases in July and 327 cases in June  
  • France reported 30 cases in August, compared with 81 cases in July and 191 cases in June  
  • Germany reported 29 cases in August, a decrease from 54 in July and 94 cases in June.

Publication data