Public health emergency preparedness for cases of viral haemorrhagic fever (Ebola) in Belgium: a peer review

Risk assessment
Time period covered: March 2015

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Public health emergency preparedness for cases of viral haemorrhagic fever (Ebola) in Belgium: a peer review – 16–19 March 2015. Stockholm: ECDC; 2015.

​In March 2015, ECDC conducted a country visit in Belgium to explore the level of Ebola preparedness. The review focussed on four critical pathways for viral haemorrhagic fever: point of entry, community transmission, inland transportation, and hospitals designated for the treatment of viral haemorrhagic fevers. In addition, the support infrastructure around these pathways and the key responders were considered, e.g. system governance, system organisation, surveillance systems, and laboratory services.