Rapid Risk Assessment: Human infection by low pathogenic avian influenza A(H7) viruses, 13 February 2015

Risk assessment

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Human infection by low pathogenic avian influenza A(H7) viruses – 11 February 2015. Stockholm: ECDC; 2015.

​On 2 February 2015, British authorities reported an outbreak of low pathogenic avian influenza virus A(H7N7) on a chicken farm in Hampshire in the United Kingdom.

Executive Summary

This rapid risk assessment summarises the epidemiological and virological information about human infections with low pathogenic avian influenza A(H7N7) viruses and assesses the risk to public health in the EU/EEA, in response to this outbreak. The risk of acquiring LPAIs for the vast majority of people who have no direct contact with domestic birds or their droppings is extremely low.