TBE Cases by year: Number of TBE cases, regardless of the applied case definition, by year reported in 16 EU/EFTA countries, 2000–2010 (n= 29 381)

Data set
Period: 01 Jan 2000 - 01 Jan 2010

During the 2000–2010 period, the overall number of reported TBE cases (all case definitions combined) stayed relatively stable, with notable increases in 2003, 2006 and 2009–2010. The Czech Republic reported 25% of all reported cases, Lithuania 15%, Latvia and Germany 11% each and Slovenia 10%. The data is published in the report 'Epidemiological situation of tick-borne encephalitis in the EU and EFTA'. The report was a first effort to collect existing data on TBE in EU/EFTA countries. The data, covering the period 2000–2010, were collected from different sources using different case definitions, time scales, and spatial units and do not reflect the complete picture and complexity of the epidemiology of this disease.


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