Laboratory information on diphtheria

Gap analysis on securing diphtheria diagnostic capacity and diphtheria antitoxin availability in the EU/EEA

This gap analysis demonstrated that there are significant gaps in diphtheria diagnostic capacity within the EU/EEA, with only six Member States fulfilling the minimum criteria in terms of surveillance, specialised laboratory diagnostics and expertise.

External quality assessments for microbiologic diagnosis of diphtheria in Europe

| J. Clin. Microbiol. | 52(12)

Both, L., Neal, S., de Zoysa, A., Mann, G., Czumbel, I., Efstratiou, A., Huhulescu, S., Pierard, D., Detecheva, A., Pieridou-Bagatzouni, D., Zavadilova, J., Fuursted, K., Peetso, R., He, Q., Badell, E., Sing, A., Alexrou-Athanasouli, H., Tzanakaki, G., Tirczka, T., Svis, Gretarsdottir, O., Murphy, P., Wall, N., Valinsky, L., Monaco, M., Paberza, R., Liachaviciute, A., Reichert, P., Cuschieri, P., Reubsaet, F., Steinbakk, M., Piekarska, K., Bajanca, Lavado, P., Damian, M., Lengyelova, V., Mioc, V., Herrera, Leon, S., Morfeldt, E., Nar, Otgun, S.