44th Union World Conference on Lung Health

30 Oct 2013 - 3 Nov 2013
Paris, France
The Union

​This year the conference theme was "Shared air, safe air" highlighting the need to ensure air quality for lung health.

The Union World Conference on Lung Health had its 44th edition in Paris. Delegates from 125 countries discussed the latest research and programme developments in tuberculosis and lung disease, as well as related problems, such as HIV, non-communicable diseases and tobacco control.

 2013, the conference theme was "Shared air, safe air" highlighting the overarching need to ensure air quality for lung health and the specific challenges created by indoor air pollution, tobacco smoke and airborne infections.

The five-day scientific programme offered post-graduate courses and workshops, such as "Making that Air Safer: Sustainable TB Infection Control Approach" and "Operational Research Skills in One Day". Speakers from more than 60 countries presented 53 symposia and more than 100 poster-related sessions.


The conference was organised each year by the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union). The Union is known for the research that led to the global strategy for treating and controlling tuberculosis.  

ECDC in The Union

ECDC will have an infostand in the technical exhibition area and will participate in the following symposia:

2 November 14:30-16:30 Rational drug use for MDR-TB: start safe, stay safe, breathe safe

"Role of adherence to tuberculosis treatment guidelines to prevent the development of drug resistance", by Marieke Van Der Werf, Head of the ECDC TB Programme

 “What do we know about the TB burden in globally mobile populations – the latest global evidence” "Distribution of TB disease and risk factor burden of TB among migrants in the European region", by Andreas Sandgren, expert in Tuberculosis


Full programme of the Union World Conference on Lung Health 

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