Antimicrobial consumption surveillance TESSy trainingArchived

28 Nov 2011 - 29 Nov 2011
Stockholm, Sweden

ECDC organised a two-day training on “TESSy for the surveillance of antimicrobial consumption” on 28-29 November 2011.

ECDC will organise a two-day training on “TESSy for the surveillance of antimicrobial consumption” on 28-29 November 2011. Participation in the event is restricted to nominated surveillance experts and data managers for ESAC-NetDuring this training, the participants will learn about the following:

  • Integration of surveillance of antimicrobial consumption into ECDC’s disease programme on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-associated Infections (ARHAI);
  • The European Surveillance System (TESSy): what is it and how does it work;
  • Conversion of national consumption data into the required TESSy format for ESAC-Net;
  • Upload of data, interpretation of TESSy data validation errors and corrections;
  • Output of data using TESSy reporting functions.

TESSy is the surveillance system run by ECDC that captures data from EU and EEA/EFTA countries on all communicable diseases under surveillance.