Celebrating Europe Day 2023


On 9 May, the European Union celebrates Europe Day, a moment to commemorate the Schuman Declaration in 1950, which envisioned a form of political cooperation that would unite Europe in a way that would make war in the region unthinkable.

Europe Day 2023

In 2023, we mark the 72nd anniversary of the declaration, and with it the beginning of what we know today as the European Union. This May, Europe Day will provide an opportunity to learn more about how the European Union is supporting peace, security and democracy, and on its efforts to build a Europe which is green, digital and competitive, as well as strong, resilient and safe.  

As an EU Agency working to keep Europe safety from infectious diseases and to empower partners to drive public health policy and practice across the region, ECDC is proud to be part of the European Union! 

Happy Europe Day!


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