Dr. Andrea Ammon on a three-day visit to Montenegro

15 Mar 2023 - 17 Mar 2023

On 15-17 March 2023, Dr. Andrea Ammon was in Montenegro for an official visit.

Mr. Dragoslav Šćekić and Dr. Andrea Ammon
Mr. Dragoslav Šćekić and Dr. Andrea Ammon

Dr. Ammon first visited the EU Delegation to Montenegro and met Her Excellency Oana-Cristina Popa, Ambassador of the European Union to Montenegro.

On 16 March, Dr. Ammon visited the Institute of Public Health (IPH) of Montenegro and its microbiology laboratories. She met with Dr Gordana Mijović, national AMR focal point, and representatives of the IPH and the Directorate for Food safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary Affairs, to discuss about the 'one health to AMR' approach.

On 17 March, Dr. Ammon travelled to the premises of the Ministry of Health to meet Mr Dragoslav Šćekić, ministry of Health of Montenegro, state secretaries Vladimir Obradović and Slađana Čorić, and Director of IPH Dr Igor Galić.

Dr. Ammon closed her visit with a trip to the WHO Regional Office for Europe, Montenegro Country Office, for a meeting with Dr sci. med Mina Brajovic, head of the Country Office.  

This mission is a follow-up of the visit that Dr Igor Galić, IPH Director, and Miljana Pavličić, IPH Deputy Director, made at ECDC on 5 December 2022.