E-course ‘Writing and Reviewing Scientific Abstracts: a field epidemiology focus’Archived

20 Apr 2017 - 15 May 2017

​This E-course was aimed at for public health professionals in the domain of disease prevention and control, who planned to submit abstracts to scientific conferences, such as ESCAIDE. The course started on April 20, 2016.

​​This online course aimed to help public health professionals strengthen their skills in writing, reviewing and editing scientific abstracts. The course addressed general principles of writing and reviewing abstracts with a field epidemiology focus, such as outbreak investigations. Training methods included online lectures, exercises and participation to Forum discussions. The course was for the largest part self-paced, so participants could decide on their time to engage online. However, there were common deadlines for submission of assignments. Submitting these assignments were essential for participating to the next stages of the course. All assignments were peer-reviewed only and clear instructions were provided for those reviews.