ECDC to coordinate EUVAC.NET, the European surveillance network for numerous vaccine-preventable diseasesArchived


Starting 15 September 2011, ECDC will be coordinating the former EUVAC.NET network. It is a surveillance network covering measles, mumps, rubella, congenital rubella, pertussis and varicella EU Member States and three countries of the European Economic Area. Data will be hosted by the European Surveillance System (TESSy) at ECDC.

For more than ten years, this surveillance network has provided prominent information on the epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases in 32 European countries. It was instrumental in supporting the WHO European Office (WHO EURO) goal of eliminating measles and rubella from the European Region and will serve as the basis for the continued effort in reaching this target. It has also helped develop the surveillance activities of mumps, pertussis and varicella as well as coordinate efforts for measles, rubella and pertussis laboratory activities.

ECDC has worked closely with the Copenhagen-based Statens Serum Institut (SSI) during the transition period to ensure that the same quality and timeliness of data collection is maintained in this new framework of surveillance.

ECDC will publish regular comprehensive report of the epidemiology of these vaccine preventable diseases to help guide the prevention and the control of infection in the EU and EEA countries. A particular feature that was initiated by SSI and will continue is the display of vaccination schedules across the EU. Strenghtening and harmonising  laboratory activities for pertussis will be part of ECDC’s new responsibilities as well as supporting the  development of the WHO-EURO measles and rubella laboratory network.

The former EUVAC.NET website ( will ceased to be active.

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