ECDC editorial emphasises doctors’ decisive role in helping eliminate measles, rubella in EUArchived


In an editorial in the scientific journal Eurosurveillance, ECDC noted that, based on numerous studies, paediatricians, family practitioners and nurses form the backbone of each national immunisation programme in the EU.

In an editorial in the scientific journal Eurosurveillance, ECDC noted that, based on numerous studies, paediatricians, family practitioners and nurses form the backbone of each national immunisation programme in the EU.

In the article, ECDC recognises the important role of national and international public health bodies and policy makers to support the MMR elimination programme.

In addition, ECDC  mentioned   that ‘doctors are in the frontline and their role is paramount”.  The article likewise mentioned studies “show that parents are more likely to trust their general practitioners, health visitor or practice nurse than the government’.

ECDC pointed out that it is “crucial that paediatricians and family doctors should provide balanced and evidence-based information to help parents in making decisions regarding vaccinations”. 

The editorial addresses the issue on how to help eliminate vaccine-preventable diseases particularly measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) in the EU. The EU has not reached the elimination target set by the World Health Organization. More than 28,000 measles cases have been reported in 2011. Measles has been responsible in the same period for eight deaths and 22 cases of acute encephalitis.