Get ready for the tick season: ECDC updated communication toolkit on tick-borne diseases in Europe


​ECDC releases today an update of its tick-borne diseases communication toolkit to support public health authorities in devising communication initiatives as part of their tick-borne diseases prevention programmes.

​ECDC releases today an update of its tick-borne diseases communication toolkit. It offers improved materials and new tools to support public health authorities in devising communication initiatives as part of their tick-borne diseases prevention programmes.

The toolkit revision is based on an expert consultation to reflect the latest knowledge in the area of vector-borne diseases and public health communication. The updated toolkit offers a new tool: a photo library with high quality images of tick species.

The template materials can be adapted to national needs and reused to either complement existing national initiatives or provide the basis for the launch of new campaigns. The toolkit addresses several different audiences: travellers to endemic areas, general public and children living in the endemic areas, and healthcare practitioners. The materials can be disseminated in schools and medical schools, travel clinics, outdoor tourist endemic areas, airports, train stations and other venues where people living or moving to tick endemic areas could gather.


During the 2014 ‘tick season’, ECDC launched a new infographic ‘Small bites, big problems’ on tick-borne diseases and ticks’ spread in Europe.


ECDC also collects and promotes national campaigns and materials on tick-borne disease awareness and updates its factsheets on tick species in Europe.

Toolkit: Tick-borne diseases communication toolkit



More on ticks and tick-borne diseases:

Infographic ‘Small bites, big problems’