Introduction to Intervention Epidemiology and MicrobiologyArchived

26 Sep 2011 - 14 Oct 2011
Mahon, Menorca, Spain

Objectives: Acquire skills in outbreak investigation methods, planning, establishment and evaluation of surveillance systems, applied research, communication and teaching


  • Acquire skills in all training objectives: outbreak investigation methods, planning, establishment and evaluation of surveillance systems, applied research, communication and teaching
  • Use methods of outbreak investigation;
  • Gain understanding of public health microbiology;
  • Develop and present a study protocol (defining the study question, designing the methodology, drawing the questionnaire and presenting the protocol to the rest of the group and to the facilitators);
  • Develop and evaluate surveillance systems and analyse surveillance data;
  • Use analytical epidemiological skills for data analysis: risk, association, impact, stratification, bias, confounding, effect modification, matching and multi-variable analysis;
  • Communicate scientific findings;
  • Learn how to teach.