Latest ECDC maps on vector distribution: new information on mosquito species in Europe


​The latest ECDC vector maps show the current known distribution of exotic mosquitoes, sandlfies and ticks as of March 2013.

​The latest ECDC vector maps show the current known distribution of exotic mosquitoes, sandlfies and ticks as of March 2013.

New information about the presence of exotic mosquito species in Europe is available in the updated mosquito maps, specifically about Aedes albopictus in France, Germany, Austria and Hungary and Aedes japonicus in Germany.

The vector distribution maps are published regularly on the website to provide the ECDC stakeholders and the general public with the most up-to-date information on vector distribution, showing the distribution of the vector species at ‘regional’ administrative level (NUTS3). Outcome of collaborative work of the VBORNET network, the maps are based on data collected by the network members. The group includes medical entomologists and public health experts across Europe, and the network is funded by ECDC. ECDC continues to improve the data collection for the maps: the VBORNET network is therefore looking for experts in vector-borne diseases who are interested in sharing data and networking (experts can contact VBORNET at