Meeting of Contact points for Training on Infection Control in Europe (TRICE)Archived

21 Jun 2010 - 22 Jun 2010

The meeting will take place on 21-22 June 2010 in Udine, Italy. It is held under the outsourced ECDC project “Infection control training needs assessment in the European Union” (contract awarded to University of Udine, Italy), which aims to produce a report on the assessment of infection control training needs, and proposal for future ECDC support to infection control training.

The meeting will take place on 21-22 June 2010 in Udine, Italy. It is held under the outsourced ECDC project “Infection control training needs assessment in the European Union” (contract awarded to University of Udine, Italy), which aims to produce a report on the assessment of infection control training needs, and proposal for future ECDC support to infection control training.

It builds further on previous work done by the DG SANCO funded IPSE (Improving Patient Safety in Europe) project, which confirmed the absence in Europe of uniform educational programmes for infection control expert personnel and proposed a core competency document for infection control practitioners.