Seroepidemiology of mumps in Europe (1996-2008): why do outbreaks occur in highly vaccinated populations?Archived

ECDC comment

Despite long-standing mumps vaccination programmes with high coverage in Europe, a majority of the countries analysed have in recent years experienced mumps outbreaks or failed to reach the case/100 000 population WHO control target. Preventing outbreaks and controlling mumps most likely requires several elements, including high-coverage two-dose vaccination programmes with a highly immunogenic mumps vaccine of the same strain given with 4–8 years between doses. The findings reported by this study can be useful for future planning of mumps vaccination programmes.

Eriksen J, Davidkin I, Kafatos G, Andrews N, Barbara C, Cohen D, Duks A, Griskevicius A, Johansen K, Bartha K, Kriz B, Mitis G, Mossong J, Nardone A, O'Flanagan D, DE Ory F, Pistol A, Theeten H, Prosenc K, Slacikova M, Pebody R. Epidemiol Infect. 2012 Jun 12:1-16. [Epub ahead of print]