Week of Annual Meetings of European Tuberculosis Networks

28 May 2013 - 31 May 2013
The Hague, Netherlands

​The Week of Annual Meetings of European Tuberculosis Network was a joint effort of ECDC and its international partners to bring together European TB experts to discuss the common goal of eliminating TB in Europe.

For the first time, a joint day brought together the three European networks/groups of experts in TB surveillance, laboratory and prevention and control to allow an exchange of experiences and to discuss the common goal of eliminating TB in Europe

The main theme was to monitor the progress made in TB prevention and control efforts through the PAN-European and European Union action plans and monitoring frameworks:

  • Berlin Declaration
  • Consolidated Action Plan to Prevent and Combat M/XDR-TB in WHO European Region 2011-2015
  • Framework Action Plan to Fight Tuberculosis in the European Union



  • 28-29 May 2013

  Annual meeting of the Joint ECDC/WHO Surveillance Network for Tuberculosis 

  • 29-31 May 2013

  Annual meeting of the European Reference Laboratory Network for TB (ERLN-TB)

  • 29-31 May 2013

  Wolfheze workshops jointly with WHO European National TB Programme Managers’ Meeting


Wolfheze workshops

The Wolfheze Workshops aimed to strengthen tuberculosis control in the WHO European Region, with emphasis on sharing experiences and discussing progress and plans for the development of Region-specific guidance documents based on a consensus-building approach. The tradition of the Wolfheze movement dates back to 1990 when the first regional meeting on TB control was organized in the village of Wolfheze in The Netherlands.

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