Rapid risk assessment: Outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Risk assessment

In the light of an outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo, ECDC has considered the risk to public health in the EU. The risk of becoming infected is considered to be low unless a person is in direct contact with bodily fluids of dead or living infected persons or animals. It is therefore unlikely that local or foreign citizens in the Democratic Republic of Congo will become infected. In the unlikely event that a traveller infected in the Democratic Republic of Congo arrives in the EU while incubating the disease and develops symptoms, they should seek medical attention and be isolated, which will prevent further transmission.

Executive Summary

An outbreak of Ebola haemorrhagic fever is ongoing in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with 15 cases reported, including nine deaths in Orientale province in eastern DRC. ECDC has published a rapid risk assessmentto assess the risk at an EU level associated with this outbreak.

The risk of the outbreak spreading to the EU is extremely low. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that travellers infected in DRC could arrive in the EU while incubating the disease and develop symptoms while in the EU. These cases would most likely seek medical attention and be isolated, preventing further transmission.

It is the first time that the Ebola species Bundibugyo has been laboratory confirmed as the cause of an Ebola outbreak in DRC. This finding indicates that the current outbreak in DRC is not related to the recently ended outbreak in Uganda, which was caused by the Ebola species Sudan.

As the incubation period can last up to three weeks, it is likely that additional cases will be identified in the coming weeks. However, control measures currently implemented in DRC with the support of international partners, e.g. isolation of cases and active monitoring of contacts, should prevent further spread of the disease.

The WHO is currently not recommending any travel or trade restrictions be applied to DRC.


20120821_TER_EBOLA_RA.pdf - EN - [PDF-177.73 KB]