Rapid Risk Assessment: Outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Bas Uele province, Democratic Republic of the Congo; 8th update, 19 May 2017

Risk assessment

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Outbreak of Ebola virus disease in Bas Uele province, Democratic Republic of the Congo – 17 May 2017. Stockholm: ECDC; 2017.

This rapid risk assessment reviews the risk of further spread of the outbreak in DRC, the risk to EU/EEA citizens living or travelling in DRC, and the risk of introduction and further spread within the EU/EEA.

Executive Summary

​This is the eighth outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since the discovery of the virus in 1976. Therefore, DRC has experience in responding to such outbreaks. Investigations in DRC are ongoing to assess the extent of the outbreak. World Health Organization (WHO) and its Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) partners are supporting the national health authorities in the response.

Although the outbreak is occurring in a very remote area to date, the spread of the disease to neighbouring regions cannot be ruled out. For European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA) citizens living in or travelling through DRC, the risk of exposure is negligible.