Travel-associated Zika virus disease cases: place of infection of cases imported to the EU/EEA

Aedes Aegypti female. © ECDC/Francis Schaffner

Zika virus disease is transmitted by Aedes  mosquitoes to humans. Zika virus disease is not endemic in mainland Europe and the vast majority of cases are travellers infected outside of the mainland European Union/European Economic Area (EU/EEA). Zika virus disease is a notifiable disease at EU level and surveillance data is collected by ECDC through The European Surveillance System (TESSy).

With the aim of informing public health authorities and EU/EEA citizens of the risk related to Zika virus disease, ECDC has produced the maps and table below displaying the places where travel-associated cases reported to ECDC were likely to have been infected. The report is based exclusively on the places of infection reported by EU/EEA countries to ECDC, using the most recently validated data available. Locations outside of mainland EU/EEA have been included for which there was at least one confirmed case (EU case definition), where these locations were either reported as place of infection in two different years during the past five years or by two separate reporting countries. Cases reported with place of infection in EU Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs), or outermost regions were classified as travel-associated.

Figure 1. Distribution of travel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported to ECDC, by place of infection, 2022

Distribution of travel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported to ECDC, by place of infection, 2022
Figure 1. Distribution of travel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported to ECDC, by place of infection, 2022

Figure 2. Distribution of travel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported to ECDC, by place of infection, 2018–2022

Distribution of travel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported to ECDC, by place of infection, 2018–2022
Figure 2. Distribution of travel-associated Zika virus disease cases reported to ECDC, by place of infection, 2018–2022
Page last updated 11 Jun 2024