Mumps: Burden of disease in FranceArchived

ECDC comment

​Mumps is not a notifiable disease in France, and this study provides useful information by combining different data sources. The current incidence of mumps is somewhat higher than the average European (9 versus 3.2 per 100 000 per year) and authors suggest that mumps coverage has to be increased, especially for the second dose. The occurrence of mumps cases among vaccinated individuals was expected, as the vaccination rate has increased, but points to the need of improving mumps vaccination schedule.

Coffinières E, Turbelin C, Riblier D, Aouba A, Levy-Bruhl D, Arena C, Chiappe SG, Ferry JP, Hanslik T, Blanchon T. Vaccine 2012 Nov 19;30(49):7013-8. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.09.070

Mumps is not a notifiable disease in France, and this study provides useful information by combining different data sources. The current incidence of mumps is somewhat higher than the average European (9 versus 3.2 per 100 000 per year) and authors suggest that mumps coverage has to be increased, especially for the second dose. The occurrence of mumps cases among vaccinated individuals was expected, as the vaccination rate has increased, but points to the need of improving mumps vaccination schedule.

This study confirmed the mild clinical presentation of mumps, with only 3% of mumps cases required hospitalisation, and only 2 deaths attributable to mumps in 10 years of surveillance. The study could not include asymptomatic patients.

Even though asymptomatic patients were not included, and the usage of hospitalisation and death reports and codes has its own limitations, the study provides a valuable estimation of mumps morbidity and mortality in France.

Page last updated: 31 May 2017